Welcome to my portfolio!
Here I share a piece of what I love to do. If you want to know more about me, please visit here. Thank you!

What was Venezuela’s
colonial economy like?
Web: Caracas Chronicles

The rise and fall of the Delian League
Web: Classical Wisdom

Anaxagoras and his Mind
Web: Classical Wisdom

Roman chariot racing: A sport for fanatics
Web: Classical Wisdom

Why Always Bolívar?
Web: Caracas Chronicles

Brief History of Political Persecution in Venezuela
Web: Caracas Chronicles

Ptolemy, the man who reached the stars
Web: Classical Wisdom

Plans Stall for Buenos Aires ‘Quality Stamp’
Web: Olive Oil Times

The eastern roman empire’s legacy to astronomy
Web: Classical Wisdom

The Oracle of Delphi: More than a legend
Web: Classical Wisdom

The Colosseum: A Symbol of Gory Glory
Web: Classical Wisdom

Social Media en la situación
política venezolana.
Caso: Instituciones educativas
Web: El Proyecto de Atenea

Argentina inicia nuevas acciones para luchar contra el tráfico de drogas
Web: Blasting News

Argentina coopera con Haití tras Huracán Matthew
Web: Blasting News

Las olas de calor se volverán más frecuentes, intensas y de mayor duración
Web: Bioguía

Cuatro de cada cinco animales
muere en el tráfico
de fauna silvestre

Bolivia y Argentina reiteran compromiso de prevenir el narcotráfico
Web: Blasting News

Argentina y Chile realizan ejercicios de la Fuerza de Paz Binacional Cruz del Sur
Web: Blasting News

El cultivo de café también se ve afectado por el calentamiento global
Web: Bioguía

Francisco de Miranda:
una herencia libertaria
que Venezuela
no debe olvidar

Malcorra se pronuncia sobre situación en Venezuela
Web: Blasting News

Ejércitos argentino y brasileño realizan ejercicio combinado
Web: Blasting News

La lectura de Harry Potter ayudaría a combatir los prejuicios
Web: Bioguía
Podcast production
Academic Writing
The History of Gross National Happiness: Published on 2015. Available here.
Marketing Analytics
Currently working with
- Entrepreneur Caribbean: Magazine. Facebook and Linkedin. Located in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean.
- La Profe Mon: Personal initiative. Instagram. My goal here is to help people to cope with language gap in IT.
- La Profe Mon: Personal initiative. Twitter. My goal here is to offer services as Spanish teacher and translator.
Previously, also as a freelancer I have worked with:
- A Wholesale store: From: 2014 to 2019. Located in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean. Managed: Facebook, Instagram, Google Business.
- A Science-Fiction writer: From 2014 to 2015. Located in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Managed: Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads, Kindle Store.
- A Fiction writer: From 2014 to 2015. Located in Maracaibo, Venezuela. Managed: Facebook, Instagram, Goodreads.
Cápsulas Gerenciales:
Developed in 2019.
Final project for “Intro to Programming” Course.
Skills: HTML, CSS, Firebase.
Lobbying by Venezuela Information Office:
Personal project using Python, Numpy and Matplotlib. Developed in 2022.
Code on my Github.
Alteryx Core Certificate:
May. 2020. Certificate. Available here.
Quimera Venezuela:
Personal project using Python, Tweepy and CSV. Developed in 2022.
Code on my Github.
Currency reconversion calculator:
Personal project developed using Python. Developed in 2021.
Code on my Github
You can download my CV here
This is my Linkedin profile.
Email me: [email protected]
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